Welcome to the West Hudson Amateur Radio Club! WHARC was founded in 2021 to promote the art and science of amateur radio in the Hudson County, New Jersey towns of East Newark, Harrison, and Kearny as well as the surrounding communities.
Our members are licensed amateur radio operators, and people who wish to become licensed. They share a desire to learn more about ham radio, and the many activities that can be done within the hobby. As a club, we also seek to provide community service opportunities, fellowship, education and training for anyone who has an interest in radio.
WHARC Merch Available!
Fancy yourself a well-styled ham? Well you’re not until you get yourself one of these nifty West Hudson Amateur Radio Club shirts! Maybe you want to carry your log books or net control scripts around, and are tired of the ratty old (and illegal) plastic shopping bag you’ve been using. If so, what could be…
Community service at VFW 5K
Members of the West Hudson Amateur Radio Club provided communications support for the VFW Post 1302 8th Annual 5K Run/Walk. Members of WHARC were positioned along the course to observe and report the progress of the participants, as well as report any incidents that happened along the course. During the event, Club members tested the…
Spring is here, and Field Day approaches
Spring has arrived, and with it we have had plenty of rain and wild swings in temperature. Looking forward to things settling into some nicer weather! Our May and June Club meetings will mostly be about Field Day preparations. This is our first Field Day as a Club, so we are planning to make the…
Winter Field Day is on!!
Snow or no snow, WHARC members will be setting up temporary stations in the VFW Hall and hanging antennas in the yard for Winter Field Day 2022. If you have an interest in ham radio, and would like to learn more about who we are and what we do, come on down and have a…
Winter (Field Day) is coming!
Come out and meet members of the West Hudson Amateur Radio Club as we practice a cold weather setup in a temporary location to maintain our communication skills for potential emergency situations.
Do you know your phonetics?
Some people are visual learners, and this may be helpful in learning the phonetic alphabet used on the air.